دکتر آرش امیدی، استاد گروه مدیریت بهداشت دام، دانشکده دامپزشکی دانشگاه شیراز
وبسایت مفیدی است که اطلاعات مفیدی در مورد رنکینگ مقالات- میزان همکاری- نوع مجلات و ارجاعات به مقالات شما را نشان می دهد.
موضوع :
مباحث پژوهشی -
مطالب مفید
تعداد بازدید :
بار ارسال شده
در چهارشنبه 29 تير 1401 - 02:08 |
Document Type : Review Articles
Department of clinical sciences, Faculty of Veterinay Medicine, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Our continually changing world has created new demands in society and has profoundly affected ecosystems, cultures, and professions. Ignoring the requirements and consequences of this ever-changing milieu could have devastating effects on all aspects of veterinary medicine. With the increasing global interconnections, several concepts have been created that should be addressed by the veterinary profession; otherwise, some instabilities will affect both the job and the society. In this article, these concepts will be critically analyzed and synthesized to portray an integrated perspective to address the necessities for the economic success of food animal practice, as well as describing the complicated role of veterinary medicine in the future. The first concept is the “evolving veterinary education”, introduced by OIE in 2009, to address the new requirements of competent veterinarians who are able to respond and adapt to modern trading and business requirements. The second concept is “One-Health”, which was introduced to address an integrated and all-inclusive perspective to health issues. All the specifications of this new concept are reflected in each letter of the word HEALTH (Humans, Ecosystems, Animals, Living Together, Harmoniously). The third concept is related to the “virtual water” theory, the total water consumed in the process of every activity, namely, the water footprint. It has been estimated that about 1000 and 15,500 liters of water are consumed in the process of production of a liter of milk and a kilogram of meat, respectively. Finally, the carbon footprint concept has been introduced to measure the total greenhouse gases emissions that enter into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide equivalent through individuals, events, organizations, services, places, products, and industries. The veterinary profession has a critical role and responsibility in the integration of the four abovementioned concepts
موضوع :
مباحث آموزشی -
مقالات کوتاه آموزشی
تعداد بازدید :
بار ارسال شده
در يكشنبه 4 مهر 1400 - 04:09 |
.Iهدف سخنراني حاضر
.IIمراحل انجام كار
.IIIفرم هاي مورد نياز
.IVآدرس دسترسي به فرم ها
.Vامور اداري
.VIنحوه نگارش متن طرح تحقيق(یک نرم افزار ساده برای غلط گیری، ویراستیار)
.VIIنحوه رفرنسنويسي(نگارش اینترنتی)
موضوع :
مباحث آموزشی -
تعداد بازدید :
بار ارسال شده
در يكشنبه 24 فروردين 1399 - 12:53 |
The effects of post-partum drops in body condition on indices of energy metabolism in mid-lactation Holstein cows
Article 3, Volume 20, Issue 3 - Serial Number 68, Summer 2019, Page 180-185 PDF (350 K) |
Document Type: Full paper (Original article) |
DOI: 10.22099/IJVR.2019.5348 |
Authors |
A. Omidi 1; M. Mohebbi-Fani1; S. Nazifi2; A. Mirzaei2; M. Seirafinia3 |
1Department of Animal Health Management, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran |
2Department of Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran |
3Ph.D. Student in Feed Hygiene, Department of Animal Health Management, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran |
Abstract |
Background: Evaluation of energy metabolism indices in mid-lactation Holstein cows is critical to monitor health status. Aims: The objective of this study was to assess the effects of low (≤0.75) vs. high (>0.75) drops in body condition score (BCS) until day 60 post-partum on energy metabolism indices during mid-lactation in Holstein cows. Methods: Twenty-eight Holstein cows were included in the study from the day of calving to day 120 of lactation. Whole blood samples were taken on 60, 90, and 120 days in milk (DIM). Serum was analyzed for insulin, glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) levels. Results: In cows with low BCS drop (LoD group), insulin did not change significantly through days 60 to 120 of lactation, but increased in high drop cows (HiD group) (P<0.001). Glucose concentrations decreased linearly in the LoD cows (P=0.039) and showed a quadratic increase in the HiD group on day 90 (P=0.028). Concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids showed both linear (P=0.04) and quadratic (P=0.002) changes in the HiD group. The HiD cows had significantly higher concentrations of insulin on day 120 (P=0.017) compared to the LoD group. Glucose concentration was lower (P<0.01) in HiD cows on 60 DIM. The concentration of non-esterified fatty acids was higher in HiD cows on day 90 (P<0.01). Surrogate indices of insulin resistance (calculated based on the concentrations of the measured metabolites) were different between the groups on day 90, indicating decreased insulin sensitivity in the HiD cows. Conclusion: Greater depletion of body reserves during early lactation may result in some inconsistencies in energy metabolism during mid-lactation periods. Controlling BCS loss during early lactation may help alleviate such alterations possibly through modifying insulin sensitivity of the tissues. |
Keywords |
BCS; Energy metabolism indices; Holstein cows; Insulin sensitivity; Lactation |
موضوع :
مباحث پژوهشی -
تعداد بازدید :
بار ارسال شده
در دوشنبه 1 مهر 1398 - 12:41 |
در فصل دهم از کتاب تازه منتشر شده طب رفتاری اسب به دو مقاله ما ارجاع داده شده است. فصل دهم کتاب به همراه اطلاعات آن در ادامه مطلب قابل دریافت است.
Omidi A, Vakili S, Nazifi S, Parker MO. Acute-phase proteins, oxidative stress, and antioxidant
defense in crib-biting horses. J Vet Behav 2017;20:31–6.
Omidi A, Jafari R, Nazifi S, Parker MO. Potential roles of selenium and zinc in the pathophysiology
of crib-biting behavior in horses. J Vet Behav 2018;23:10–4.
موضوع :
مباحث آموزشی -
کتابهای مفید آموزشی
تعداد بازدید :
بار ارسال شده
در چهارشنبه 19 تير 1398 - 09:17 |
Article 2, Volume 20, Issue 2, Spring 2019, Page 89-95 PDF (221 K) |
Document Type: Full paper (Original article) |
DOI: 10.22099/IJVR.2019.5256 |
Authors |
M. Mohebbi-Fani1; A. Omidi 1; A. Mirzaei2; S. Nazifi2; E. Pourtajabadi3; M. Badkoobeh3 |
1Department of Animal Health Management, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran |
2Department of Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran |
3Graduated from School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran |
Abstract |
Background: The sub-clinical carry-over effects of post-partum (PP) conditions and the problems independent of parturition may affect the cows’ performance during the breeding period. Aims: It was hypothesized that some mid-lactation cows may have compromised liver functions and calculating liver activity index (LAI; -1.5 to +1.5) may be helpful in detecting such conditions. Methods: Plasma lipid and protein profiles, retinol and ceruloplasmin were measured in 37 Holstein cows on days 60, 90, and 120 PP. Liver activity index was calculated using the measures of cholesterol, albumin and retinol. The results were interpreted using some health and performance indices. Results: The mean LAI was 0.00 ± 0.61. Sixteen cows (45.7%) were LAI‾ and 19 cows (54.3%) were LAI+. In LAI+ cows the concentrations of cholesterol and albumin were unchanged, but in LAI‾ cows both of them increased through the study (P<0.05). Greater concentrations of low density lipoproteins (LDL) (P<0.01) and lower concentrations of γ- and total globulins (P<0.05; day 60) were detected in LAI+ cows. Ceruloplasmin was not different between the LAI groups with the highest level on day 90. Cholesterol had the strongest and the most repeated correlations with LAI during the study. The correlation of albumin with LAI faded on day 120 and vitamin A had a relationship only on day 60 PP. Triglycerides (TGs), very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) (day 60) and LDL (days 60 and 90) had positive correlations with LAI. All globulin fractions showed negative correlations with LAI on day 60. Seventy percent of the cows without endometritis (day 30 PP) and 33% of the infected cows were LAI+ during the breeding period. About 79% of the cows with body condition score (BCS) loss ≤0.75 (day 60) and 38% of the cows with BCS loss >0.75 were LAI+ during the breeding period. Conclusion: Compromised liver functions may exist in dairy cows during the breeding period and may be detected by calculating LAI. The relationship of LAI during the progressed lactation with herd’s performance needs to be investigated. |
موضوع :
مباحث پژوهشی -
مقالات پژوهشی
تعداد بازدید :
بار ارسال شده
در سه شنبه 4 تير 1398 - 08:27 |
Zinc and Manganese of serum were negatively, but Copper positively influenced by Iron elevation in diet of male Wistar rats
April 2019
International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research
Ali Zolfaghari
Hamid Reza Gheisari
Arash Omidi
Saeed Nazifi
موضوع :
مباحث پژوهشی -
مقالات پژوهشی
تعداد بازدید :
بار ارسال شده
در چهارشنبه 1 خرداد 1398 - 10:38 |
Acute-phase proteins and antioxidant status in cows naturally infected by hydatid cysts in the Razavi Khorasan Province
Article 1, Volume 2, Issue 1, Winter and Spring 2017, Page 1-7 PDF (510 K) |
Document Type: Research Paper |
DOI: 10.22055/IJRHR.2017.14412 |
Abstract |
Parasitic infections can be extremely problematic for animals and humans. Host-parasite relationships may be different between species. The purpose of this study was to evaluate Haptoglobin (Hp), Serum amyloid-A (SAA), Alpha -1- acid glycoprotein (AGP), Albumin (ALB), Total protein (TP), Globulin (GLB), Malondialdehyde (MDA), and Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) following natural infection with hydatid cysts in cows. This study was undertaken in a slaughterhouse in Torbate-Heidarie, Razavi Khorasan province, Iran, in January 2016. Four hundred cows were examined. Clinical examination prior to slaughter was done by an expert veterinarian and all clinically healthy cows were used in the study. The age determination was done according to the dental formula. Blood samples were obtained before slaughtering. Eventually, 60 cows with hydatid cysts and 60 apparently healthy cows were included in the study and control groups, respectively. The results indicated that acute phase proteins were not changed in naturally infected cows with hydatid cysts. It could be concluded that host-parasite relationship might be different in species such as cows and sheep. This finding may be due to a difference between species or a different behavior of hydatid cysts in cows and sheep. |
Keywords |
Abattoir; Acute phase proteins; Antioxidant; Cow; hydatid cysts |
موضوع :
مباحث پژوهشی -
مقالات پژوهشی
تعداد بازدید :
بار ارسال شده
در شنبه 28 ارديبهشت 1398 - 12:44 |
موضوع :
مباحث آموزشی -
تعداد بازدید :
بار ارسال شده
در شنبه 31 فروردين 1398 - 10:05 |
افراد آنلاين : 1
امروز : 24
ديروز : 52
اين هفته : 423
اين ماه : 727
امسال : 5199
کل بازديد : 241755
کل مطالب : 77