محیط کاربری
آخرین مطالب
اخبار سایت
انتقادات و پیشنهادات

تبلیغات متنی

دکتر آرش امیدی، استاد گروه مدیریت بهداشت دام، دانشکده دامپزشکی دانشگاه شیراز

مقالات ISI

Omidi, A.; Monjezi, S.; Nabipour, A.; ,"Hypospadias, diverticulum, and agenesis in the penile shaft of a goat kid (Capra hircus)",Comparative Clinical Pathology,20,4,417-419,2011,Springer London


Omidi, A.; Nouri, M.; Hajikolaee, MR; Khadjeh, G.; ,The Effect of Gentamicin Sulfate on Plasma Glucose Concentrations Post Suckling of Milk in Holstein Calves,International Journal of Pharmacology,2,,643-646,2006,


Omidi, A.; ,Anaphylactic reaction in a cow due to parenteral administration of penicillin-streptomycin,The Canadian Veterinary Journal,50,7,741,2009,Canadian Veterinary Medical Association


Omidi, A.; Aslani, M.R.; Movassaghi, A.R.; Mohri, M.; Dadfar, M.; ,Accidental salinomycin intoxication in calves,The Canadian Veterinary Journal,51,10,1143,2010,Canadian Veterinary Medical Association


Omidi, A.; Razavizadeh, A.T.; Movassaghi, A.R.; Aslani, M.R.; ,Experimental oleander (Nerium oleander) intoxication in broiler chickens (Gallus gallus),Human & Experimental Toxicology,,,,2011,SAGE Publications


Omidi, A.; Mazloomi, S.; Farhangfar, H.; ,"Preservative effect of quanats water to reduce lead acetate toxicity (LC50, 96 h) on Capoeta fusca.",Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science,4,1,50-56,2009,Academic Journals


Omidi, A.; ,Less Common Complication of Traumatic Reticulitis in Cattle: Abscess on Left Thoracic Wall,Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances,3,5,381-385,2008,


Omidi, A.; Ansari nik, H.; ,Selected biochemical values of yearling African blue neck ostriches (Struthio camelus) in Iran,Comparative Clinical Pathology,,,1-4,2012,Springer London


Omidi, A.; Naeemipoor, H.; Hosseini, M.; ,"Plastic Debris in the Digestive Tract of Sheep and Goats: An Increasing Environmental Contamination in Birjand, Iran.",BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND TOXICOLOGY,88,,,2012,Springer New York


Mayameei, A.; Mohammadi, G.; Yavari, S.; Afshari, E.; Omidi, A.; ,Evaluation of relationship between Rotavirus and Coronavirus infections with calf diarrhea by capture ELISA,Comparative Clinical Pathology,19,6,553-557,2010,Springer


Mazloomi, S.; Esmaeili, A.; Ghasempoori, S.M.; Omidi, A.; ,"Mercury Distribution in Liver, Kidney, Muscle and Feathers of Caspian Sea Common cormorant(Phalacrocorax carbo)",Research Journal of Environmental Sciences,2,6,433-437,2008,


Nouri, M.; Hajikolaee, M.R.; Constable, P.D.; Omidi, A.; ,Effect of Erythromycin and Gentamicin on Abomasal Emptying Rate in Suckling Calves,Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine,22,1,196-201,2008,WILEY


Effect of Erythromycin and Gentamicin on Abomasal Emptying Rate in Suckling Calves
M Nouri, MR Hajikolaee, PD Constable, A Omidi
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine 22 (1), 196-201



Preservative effect of quanats water to reduce lead acetate toxicity (LC50, 96 h) on Capoeta fusca.
A Omidi, S Mazloomi, H Farhangfar
Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 4 (1), 50-56



Mercury Distribution in Liver, Kidney, Muscle and Feathers of Caspian Sea Common Cormorant(Phalacrocorax carbo)
S Mazloomi, A Esmaeili, SM Ghasempoori, A Omidi
Research Journal of Environmental Sciences 2 (6), 433-437



Plastic Debris in the Digestive Tract of Sheep and Goats: An Increasing Environmental Contamination in Birjand, Iran.
A Omidi, H Naeemipoor, M Hosseini



Selected biochemical values of yearling African blue neck ostriches (Struthio camelus) in Iran
A Omidi, H Ansari nik
Comparative Clinical Pathology, 1-4



Less Common Complication of Traumatic Reticulitis in Cattle: Abscess on Left Thoracic Wall
A Omidi
Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 3 (5), 381-385



Experimental oleander (Nerium oleander) intoxication in broiler chickens (Gallus gallus)
A Omidi, AT Razavizadeh, AR Movassaghi, MR Aslani
Human & Experimental Toxicology



Evaluation of relationship between Rotavirus and Coronavirus infections with calf diarrhea by capture ELISA
A Mayameei, G Mohammadi, S Yavari, E Afshari, A Omidi
Comparative Clinical Pathology 19 (6), 553-557



Accidental salinomycin intoxication in calves
A Omidi, MR Aslani, AR Movassaghi, M Mohri, M Dadfar
The Canadian Veterinary Journal 51 (10), 1143



Anaphylactic reaction in a cow due to parenteral administration of penicillin-streptomycin
A Omidi
The Canadian Veterinary Journal 50 (7), 741



The Effect of Gentamicin Sulfate on Plasma Glucose Concentrations Post Suckling of Milk in Holstein Calves
A Omidi, M Nouri, MR Hajikolaee, G Khadjeh
International Journal of Pharmacology 2, 643-646



Hypospadias, diverticulum, and agenesis in the penile shaft of a goat kid (Capra hircus)
A Omidi, S Monjezi, A Nabipour
Comparative Clinical Pathology 20 (4), 417-419



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موضوع : مباحث پژوهشی - مقالات پژوهشی
تعداد بازدید : 15871 بار
ارسال شده در شنبه 27 اسفند 1390 - 10:19

دسته بندی
نظر سنجی

   در چه رشته ای تحصیل می کنید (کرده اید)؟


  1. دامپزشکی
  2. علوم دامی
  3. پزشکی
  4. رشته های دیگر


اوقات شرعی
افراد آنلاين : 1
امروز : 3
ديروز : 36
اين هفته : 154
اين ماه : 844
امسال : 20772
کل بازديد : 232916
کل مطالب : 77
تگهای مطالب

تمامی حقوق این سایت متعلق به دکتر آرش امیدی می باشد
این وبسایت توسط سایت ساز مهر نسخه 2 محصولی از شرکت نگاه روشن پارس ایجاد شده است